Tag Archives: answers

Q&A Time!

I feel like this is the point where my motivation for a blog starts going downhill. Mostly I think it’s because I genuinely had no idea what I was going to blog about this week. As the days passed, I kept wishing for something interesting to happen to me or for me to make some genius observation about the human condition but alas, it didn’t happen. I’ve said before that my life isn’t really that interesting (which is the main reason why I don’t have a Twitter account), and as much as I wish that was not true, it’s a fact. I love it for that very reason but sometimes a girl needs a little drama in her life.

Anyway, a couple months ago I developed an addiction to the site StumbleUpon and spent hours “stumbling” on random websites. One of those websites was this list of 80 journal prompts. I randomly thought about it today while I was goofing around on the internet and thought since I have nothing else to write about, why not pick ten and answer them! It’ll be a great getting to know me exercise since I feel like I haven’t properly introduced myself on this blog.

Being the nerd that I am, I decided to use a random number generator to pick which questions I would answer:

So here are the questions that got picked and my answers to them!

70. What food items do you consider staples in a well-balanced diet?

Well, being a biochemistry major has it’s perks when it comes to knowing about the rules of nutrition. Not that I necessarily follow those rules, hence why one of my new year’s resolutions is to eat healthier. But, back to the question, I definitely think the typical responses of vegetables and protein need to be there. Less simple carbs too, and more whole grains? And certain fats. I’m a big fan of pistachios, and I feel like the unsaturated fats from nuts and fish should compose the majority of fat in a healthy, well-balanced diet. But that doesn’t mean the occasional cheesecake or pizza can’t join the party too.

29. Describe your first job.

Ironically, I just got my first job this semester. I’m a teaching assistant for a general chemistry lab and so far, it’s actually been pretty good. Apart from me feeling old and super responsible, I’m actually really excited about it.

15. Write about your first kiss.  Was it everything you wished or hoped it would be?

Oh my! We just suddenly got personal up in here. Now I know I could easily change this question to something else and you would never know the difference, but I’ll be fair and stick to the rules I laid out for myself.

My first kiss was interesting to say the least. I was 14 and the setting was pretty perfect. I really liked the guy and we were at my house out in my yard. The thing about my yard is that it has this really romantic walkway thing that leads to a couple landings and he and I were just hanging out on one when it happened. But as for the kiss itself, I guess it was a little awkward for me. I assume everyone’s first kiss is awkward but it was just a strange feeling. Watching chick flicks just doesn’t really prepare you for the feeling of it. Anyway, I don’t think I was emotionally ready for a boyfriend/kiss at the time so maybe that contributed to the awkwardness.

30. What is the one thing you cannot live without?

All right, back to neutral topics! As materialistic as this sounds, I honestly don’t think I could live without my/a laptop. I can definitely occupy myself without my laptop for extended periods of time and I can do so without anything electronic, but in this day and age, I feel like a laptop is pretty essential to communication and it’s pretty integral in my life in particular.

78. What is the name of your favorite book, magazine, or publication?

This question is actually really hard. I love reading and there are a ton of books that I’ve really enjoyed over the years. If I had to pick one book though, I’ll probably have to say To Kill A Mockingbird. Unlike a lot of my peers, I chose to read this book. I never had to study it in school, but my brother did and he was the one who actually encouraged me to read it. I could really relate to it when I first read it and I just loved the characters and the story and the message. It’s just a good book. Not to mention Atticus Finch is totally husband-hot (as my best friends would say).

9. Who was your first crush and what made them special?

Man, these questions… First kiss and now first crush? There is a very slim chance that my first crush reads this blog but a fairly high probability that someone who knows him reads this so I think I’m going to refrain from mentioning his name. I’ll just call him D. This was back in primary school and he was initially just another boy in my class.

Not many people who know me now would know this about me, but I think I was a horrible child in primary school. Anytime I think back on those days, I just think of how mean I was. Now people may tell you differently, but I remember being a mean kid. Anyway, I don’t think I was as mean to D, but I know I was mean to a lot of his friends.

I distinctly remember when I started to think of him differently. One time during recess, I had gone to get my lunch-kit from the back of the room where we had to put them, and in everyone’s rush to get to theirs, no one was letting me through to get mine. And even when a space opened up for me to reach in, someone would cut in front and fill the space. (Let me just say in an aside that this was very unusual. There was never a big problem for people to get to their lunch-kits but for some reason there was a big rush that day. Maybe everyone was starving.)

Even though I was mean, I was polite, so I kept saying, “Excuse me,” and “Sorry, can I just reach in?” But like I said, that day no one was letting me get my lunch-kit! Then – here’s the moment of truth – D had just gotten his snack and literally cleared a path for me. He said something along the lines of, “Let the girl get through! She’s asking politely!” and he had a good bit of sway over the members of my class so almost instantly everyone moved aside for me.

Now, he was probably just being nice, but in my little 9/10 year old mind I couldn’t fathom how he could be so nice to me when I was so mean to all his friends. There were a couple other instances after this, but my first crush was officially born.

80. Thunderstorms… Inspiring or scary?

Definitely inspiring. My imagination always runs wild (in a good way) during a thunderstorm and I think of all these crazy good (in my opinion) ideas for stories or projects. Plus, it doesn’t help that thunderstorms always make me want to curl up with a book and a cup of tea.

2. What 5 websites do you visit often, and why?

Ok, for this I just went to my homepage and clicked the drop-down box for the web address bar and these are the first 5 starting with the most visited:

  •  Microsoft Exchange – A.K.A. My school email address. I think it’s pretty obvious why I would need to check this so often.
  • Facebook – Self-explanatory.
  • YouTube – Again, I think this one’s pretty obvious.
  • Blackboard – My school’s blackboard page so that I can check on my classes and whatnot.
  • FictionPress – A great resource for anyone who likes writing fiction. Also, a major time-waster when I don’t have a physical book to read.

Aaaaaand now this post is getting a bit long. Sorry, but it’s going to have to be ten eight questions. Maybe I’ll do another one of these whenever I have nothing else to talk about. Or you guys can ask me questions too if you want!

Anyway, I hope everyone is having a good week!